
The nerd disease

The French have syphilis.  Americans have 1/4#eritis.  Black people have sickle cell.  And if born in Africa, just plain bad luck.  Nerds are fucking whiners.  Every single nerd everywhere.  Except you.  Q: why the fuck do nerds always gotta contradict.  A: mystery.  Just to clarify, your mother is not a nerd.  Nerds play nerd games cause they like them.  I play nerd games cause it makes me look fuckin' badass in a cape.  Difference!  Actually, mystery solved:

Contradiction  =  Nerd Pussy

The act of being right as the result of a contradiction  =  Nerdgasm

Having other nerds acknowledge your nerdgasm  =  Priceless 

Nerds chase contradictions like a normal man chases pussy.  Why else do you think sites exist where nerds jump on each other like rapist dogs trying to rape other dogs.  No, not you, man, I'm talking about that asshole that always contradicts you.  Like this dicktard:


This fucking idiot took it upon himself to interject in an otherwise perfectly eloquent whinefest.  You might say he stuck his truth-penis into their argument-vaginas.  Also, why does every nerd have to say 'acutally' when they argue.  If you ever say actually again go ahead and punch yourself in the dick.  Actually, the most fucking annoying thing a nerd can do is one up.  Why you always gotta one up a brotha. 

If it looks like a penis and tastes like a penis,
your uncle prolly just painted his dick green
with white polka dots and a couple of eyes

But why would your mother want to alienate this dumb site's audience?  Answer:  Aliens are fucking cool.  No one argues with an alien.  And no one reads this site.  I don't even read this horrible shit.  In reality when I write I'm actually jacking it blindfolded with a fist up my ass while banging my head into the keyboard and punching myself in the dick, and by some massive fucking coincidence this shit comes out legible.  How's that for ya, George Noory?        

Next time a nerd wants to have nerd sex with your nerd pussy and nerdgasm on your avatar, be the bigger man and just lay there and let him.