
Fuck Birthers, I'm a Spacer

Which sadly has nothing to do with marijuana.  Yes, Obama is American, blah blah, I'm bored already.  I'm so over it, and I'm taking this shit hyperdimensional.  Quasi-anal.  To the next level.  OuTeR fUcKiNg SpAcE!  Yes, you read me.  I am a Spacer.  I just copyrighted that too, so Trump omfgstfu and pays me already.

It's not that I don't believe Hizzy O'bizzy is American, I just don't think that his soul is of this planet.  As the Constitution clearly states, "...all African Americans, other minorities, and especially women, must be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be of this earth to be prez, and any other shit I decide on later.*"  Sure, now we know for 169% certain that Mr. O was vaginally expelled in Hawyi**, but how do we know that an alien soul didn't enter baby O'bizzy's body at some point before or after his placental eviction, thus making him unable to legally be president?  Fucking seriously dude.

See, I'm a Scientologist***, so awesome theories like this come naturally to me, and as negatives can never be proven****, and neither can shit that can't be proven, so I am therefore automatically right.  Now Christianity, that is 100% provable.  Check your bible.  Not that version, the other one.



1.  Show me your dick.  I'm not gay, just c'mon.
2.  Prove to me Obama's evil twin did not rape then eat the real Obama in the womb.
3.  Also I would like to see Obama's ID and proof of insurance.  I'm not racist or profiling, but a black man in a motorcade being willingly protected by white people and one Latino, when does that really happen.
4.  If Obama is the reincarnated ghost of Lincoln, you owe me $10 and a sloppy hander.

* Right after the part where it dictates the creation of crack cocaine and inner city slums, "the man," and "keepin' the brothas down" in invisible ink that can only be read by white people
**I'm no Gerald Celente, but I predict a book bomb by Jerome Corsi, and they can both suck it
*** Absolutely 100% not a Scientologist
****Fuck, why is my light off.  I mean not on.