
Knock knock. Who's there? Least common denominator.

Oh, you mean country music.  On the one hand, music is much like art, subjective, and what right do I have to judge another's likes and dislikes.  On the other hand, Andy Warhol can suck it and I fucking hate country music.  Did I say hate cause I mean love.  Freudian tits!  Country music is so fresh, and not at all depressing, and I love it!  

I could use words like trite and kitsch to describe country, but I won't cause I don't know what they mean.  Asinine too.  But holy shit, I love the names!  George Strait.  Now there's a name that when you hear it, you think, man, I bet he's never sucked a cock in his life.  Which is ironic cause everyone says he is an asshole.  You thought I was gonna say cocksucker.  Psych!    

But the songs!  Every time I hear a song with the phrase 'little bitty,' 'ity bity,' or 'lil' bity,' or some other variation, I'm like, man, there can't possibly be one more country song that hooks with that phrase.  Wrong!  It's complete and udder cow cunt kicking genius.  And it's like listening to my life, in a song.   Just like the theme song for country music says.  See!?!  I was born too!  No fucking way!  Had some kids!  Fuck, didn't mean for that to happen!  Gonna grow old and die!  Shit, really!?  Can't I at least drink some beers, hate fags, and support our troops in the mean time?  Yes!