
I made a Decapitator

For those of you who don't know what a Decapitator is, I'm sure as fuck not going to waste my time explaining.  Like I don't have shit to do.  It prolly would have taken me those last two sentences to explain, and I don't have that kind of time.  lalallalallalallalalallalallalalks lakjsdflkjslkdjfh asled fl;ae jfkljsda

Decapitator is one evil dude.  Chopping off heads is the least evil thing he does.  He also:
  • Bums your last cigarette
  • Teaches your child the wrong theory of creationism/evolution behind your back
  • Is a registered member of the political party you hate
  • Doesn't let you use his season ticks for a game that he knows he can't make anyway
What an asshole.  I hate you Decapitator.