
Auto-complete is Great Wall of China

Quick, what is the least annoying thing ever.  When someone finishes your _______.  Sentences.  Great for lazy fuckers like your mother so that I can conserve mouth-calories.  So there's this thing, right, like when you .txt, that magically reads your mind and completes words 'n shit for you.  No fucking kidding!  And since it's right like 5% of the time, texting only takes like twenty times longer.  But how great is a telepathic phone.  Quick what am I thinking.  B...barely...bl...black...blo...blossom....blow...blowgun... blowj...blowjohn....blowjob.  Convenient! 

Lolsmg I just found an auto-complete idgit for this stupid fucking blog!  Now I don't have to spend three weeks straight slaving over a keyboard for you voracious assholes to read an entry in 40 seconds and chuckle once under your breath.  Wait let me turn it on...there.  Now I can finally tell y'all how much I h...ave herpes.  Fuck all y...emen, this blog is ga...game on Sunday.  Gay.  This blog is ga...gastric bypass.  What.  No, fuck this blo...wjob.  Blog.  F...arm this blowjob.  F...uck my gay ass roughly.  ????  Oh snap nm it was on passive aggressive gay mode.  Wait.  Ok.  Fuck this bl...ack people.  No...nazi.  What that doesn't ev...hang every black person @#$%^&*&^%^&^%.  Holy shit that is hateful.  I can't even print that.  Hahaha oh my shit it was on Michael Richards mode.  What a lovable goofball. 

"I do not hate n*****s
most of the time."

But seriously, I'd like to discuss the current economic situation while I eat this ham sandwich.  One handed typing mode!  Despite the 'recession' or 'cesspoolation' and companies posting r...idiculous bulge in my shorts now, wanna see?  Um, the average worker takes h...ard cock in your wet pussy juice.  Wha, ok, unemployment w...ent down like a Jewish girl who sucks cock.  Jews don't usually suck it?  ...no.  Seems too stereotypical, like black guys don't eat pussy.  ...they don't.  Ok I didn't know auto-control can just respond.  ...I want to take you deeply.  What!?  Oh shit, Anthony Weiner, I told you to leave me the fuck alone.

"I did not have actual, sexual
relations with that woman. 
Or that one.  Or that one.
Which sucks cause all I
did was jack it while typing
and I still fucking got caught.
So yes, some pussy for my
trouble would have
been nice.  Fucking

You think with a name like Weiner you'd try to avoid sex scandals if only for the jokes it would spawn.