
Who the shit is Gary Glitter

3000d6 rending social commentary hits

Or should I say qweero.  Heroine?  Aunt Hazel's big magic bag of capital H, ride that fucking pony and give that G.man some wings 'n gravy.  Shut it, this brave homo had the courage and smooth, smooth balls to do something none of you assholes ever have: use polite but fruity civil protest and questionable assault to draw attention to the fact that Newt Gingrich is a shining, exemplary human being.  In fact, don't bring him in the sun 'cause he'll sparkle.  Newt Gengis 2012! 

Man fuck politics.  If I gave a shit about America I'd be all politic, but I don't, so therefore I am.  You know what I do give a shit about?  Dark Eldar.  First, respect son, they are your eldars.  Third, these are some sick motherfuckers I can get on board with.  I mean, most days I have to repeatedly beat myself in the nuts with a hammer while I masturbate just to feel alive.  Pain tokin'!  Speaking of...


That's the largest this fucking font can go?  Kind of anti-climatic.  Just like my hunched goblin.  Four hundred twenty fuckin' hits when I checked this page son, guess what that means.  I don't know I'm asking.  Is that a lot of really bored ppl out there, or just one person giving me 420 pity clicks.  Why the fuck ain't you been sending me money.  Or, jfc, at least some fucking death threats.  What am I supposed to read to my kids for a bedtime story.  Lolojk reading is for librarians and ppl w/'jobs.'     

This blog is lame.  Apparently the world ends this weekend so who really gives a fuck.  Do you know what your mother will be doing then?  No I'm asking.  Psykers write in.  40k4Life!  Actually I'll prolly just be mowing the lawn.  What?  Yes dear I'm coming.  Shit can I sit for five fucking minutes, God!