
It's not that I'm racist, it's just that you're not white

Racism is such an ugly word.  I prefer the term prejudice.  This is an uncanny ability based on cultural knowledge and funny stereotypes that lets us "pre-judge" qualities about people without the hassle of getting to know them.  Think about it, if you could pre-judge the stock market, you would be rich.  See, not such a bad thing, right?  With my awesome prejudiceness, I know that people from the south usually have a southern accent, and that pretend vampires are not real. 

In the 40k verse, I like to pre-judge my opponents based on the armies that they play. 

Space Marines----------------->usually has sex missionary style
Sisters of Battle---------------->lingering mommy issues
Tyranids----------------------->hates life and themselves
Dark Eldar--------------------->are pretend vampires
Non-Dark Eldar---------------->would rather be playing everquest
xxxChaos666------------------>uses evil as a cry for help
Necrons------------------------>yes, would like to supersize that order
Orks---------------------------->hides inner defeat well
Imperial Guard------------------>prefers not to be called "captain dicksuck"
Other Imperium----------------->places way too much effort on being an individual

If you just stumbed on this blog randomly and you're all like, this guy is racist, and what the fuck is 40k, you are both right